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Sacred Duty Spray


Standing Sympathy Spray


Standing tall, proud and patriotic, this dazzling free-standing spray is like a fireworks display made of graceful flowers. Uniquely beautiful, it’s a lovely way to honor a great loss. (27″ W x 42″ H). Featured flowers include red carnations, white asiatic lilies and snapdragons, and blue delphinium, along with an assortment of greens.

Featured Flowers

Blue Delphinium: are a beautiful flower, with their tall and slender stalks that rise upwards and bear delicate flowers. They’re often used in bouquets and other arrangements, but they also make great additions to an outdoor garden or landscape.

The main difference between Blue Delphinium and other flowers is the color of their petals. The petals of Delphinium are usually deep blue, but they can sometimes be light purple or almost white. When choosing a certain type of Delphinium flower, you need to decide whether you want the dark blue color or something lighter.

Red Carnations: are the most common type of carnation is the red carnation, but there are many different kinds of carnations with different colors and uses. Carnations have a long history as an important flower in many cultures around the world, and they’ve evolved over time to become one of the most popular flowers in existence today. Let’s take a look at what makes them so special.

These beautiful blooms are easily identified by their bright red coloration, which can also be described as pinkish-red or magenta. They’re often used as symbols of love or affection because they’re associated with passion and romance; however, they can also be used to symbolize honor or respect depending on how they’re presented. Red carnations come from a species called Dianthus caryophyllus—also known as clove pinks—which originated in Western Europe but has since spread throughout much of Asia as well as parts of North Africa and Australia where it thrives in warm climates

Snapdragons: are sometimes confused with other flowers such as roses or lilies because they have similar shapes and colors. But there are some distinct differences between snapdragons and other flowers:

Snapdragons have four petals in each flower—two on top and two on the bottom—while roses have five petals in each flower. This is especially important when you’re looking at the bud stage of a snapdragon’s growth cycle because they start out as buds before opening up into flowers. If you see five petals on a flower’s bud stage instead of four petals (two on top and two on bottom), it’s probably not a snapdragon. Snapdragons also grow from single stems rather than multiple stems like roses do; this means that each stem will have only one leaf attached to it instead of multiple leaves like you might see on a rose bush or other multi-stemmed plants.

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