Hoover-Fisher Florist sells more roses than any other florist. They buy many of the roses they sell direct from the growers. We purchase from both domestic and international flower farms. Roses are the most popular flower in the world. Their meaning varies from culture to culture, but they’re generally associated with love and romance. They come in an array of colors, shapes, and sizes—from small, delicate buds to large, showy blooms.
We also sell many other floral varieties. Some of the most frequently purchased flowers are daffodils, gerbera daisies, full bloom hydrangea, orchids, peonies, roses and tulips.
Daffodils – Daffodils are a type of flower that most people recognize from their signature yellow color. They’re often used in bouquets and other floral arrangements, but have many more uses than just that! Daffodils are also called jonquils, which is the name they’re given when they bloom in the springtime. This is when they’re typically used in floral arrangements, but daffodils can also be used throughout the year for a variety of purposes.
Gerbera Daisies – Gerbera daisies are a popular choice for floral arrangements. They are known for their bright colors, long-lasting flowers, and pleasant fragrance. Gerbera daisies differ from other flowers in several ways. Their stems are thick and sturdy, which makes them ideal for arrangements with heavy ornaments. They also have a long vase life—up to two weeks or more! The use of gerbera daisies in floral designs has increased dramatically over the past decade. They can be used alone or mixed with other types of flowers to create stunning arrangements that will impress your friends and family members.
Full Bloom Hydrangea – Hydrangea, also known as hortensia and hydrangea, are a genus of flowering plants in the family Hydrangeaceae. They are native to Asia, Australia and North America. Hydrangeas are known for their large, showy flower heads that come in a variety of colors ranging from blue to white to pink. Hydrangea flowers are usually pink or purple but can also be white. The hydrangea flower has five petals with delicate, fuzzy edges that give the flower its characteristic texture. The color of the hydrangea flower depends on the acidity level in your soil: if you grow your hydrangea in acidic soil, your flowers will be blue; if you grow them in alkaline soil, they will be pink or white.
Orchids – Orchids are a type of flower that are unique in their appearance and growth patterns. They are often used in floral arrangements, especially for formal events and weddings. Orchids differ from other types of flowers because they have no roots or leaves, which means they must be grown in water or under artificial light. Their growth patterns can also vary greatly from other flowers’—orchid flowers can grow on the stem or off the stem, some have spikes that grow above ground level, and others have roots that grow above ground level.