Local Same-Day & Express Delivery


Same-Day Flower Delivery Service

Hoover-Fisher Florist is the best Potomac flower shop offering same day flower delivery! Hoover-Fisher Florist has been providing fresh flowers, plants and gifts to Potomac, Maryland since 1954. We are a family owned and operated flower shop located in Silver Spring, Maryland. Also, we are one of the largest flower shops in the DC, Maryland, Virginia area and are recognized as a leader in floral design in Potomac and Silver Spring, MD. We specialize in creating professionally designed floral arrangements for any occasion you can think of.

We are the only Potomac flower shop offering same day flower delivery to all areas of Potomac, Maryland including the following neighborhoods: Bedfordshire, Brickyard Road, Brownstones, Copenhaver, Democracy, Fallsberry, Flemish Oranges, Fox Hills, Glen, Greenbriar Preserve, Heritage Farm, High Gate, Hunting Hill, Inglewood, Inverness North, McAuley Park, Merry Go Round, Normandy Hills, Regency, Ridgeleigh, River Road, Snug Hill, Stratton, Windsor View.

There are three public schools in Potomac: Potomac Elementary School, Thomas Sprigg Wootton High School, and Potomac Middle School. The town also has several nearby private schools as well, including; Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School and Saint John Paul II High School. Hoover-Fisher Florist provides daily delivery service to these and other area schools.

The town also has several funeral homes: The Country Club Funeral Home Inc., Beall Funeral Home Inc., Briggs Funeral Home Inc., and Lynch Funeral Homes Inc.. We provide same-day service to these funeral homes and other mortuaries in the area.

Potomac Zip Codes Served

20850, 20854


Same-Day Flower Delivery, Same Day Sympathy Flower Delivery, Guaranteed On-Time Delivery

Same-Day Flower Delivery

Hoover-Fisher Florist is a local florist serving customers in Montgomery County, and surrounding areas. We offer both local same-day and in some cases express flower delivery service. Our company employs a team of professional delivery drivers. These folks are some of the best in the state. So good that we provide a 100% on-time delivery guarantee with every floral bouquet we send out.

Sympathy Flower Delivery

Our staff provides daily delivery service to all cemeteries, churches, funeral homes and mortuaries in the area. We feature many great sympathy designs on our website. If you don’t see the exact funeral flower arrangement that you need on the site, please call our flower shop. We do offer full custom floral designs to meet your exact needs.

FLOWER SHOP LOCATION: 4100 Howard Avenue, Kensington, Maryland 20895

LOCAL PHONE: (301) 593-4700  NATIONWIDE PHONE: 1 (877) 253-3076

HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday thru Saturday – 8:00 am to 4:00 pm   |   Closed On Sunday

Contact Hoover-Fisher Florist