Hoover-Fisher Florist, provides same day flower delivery to Georgetown University in Washington DC. We have been delivering flowers and gifts to Georgetown University for many years. Our trained staff can help you create the perfect arrangement for any occasion or event. When you order from our online store, we’ll ask you to provide a few details about your order: what type of arrangement you’d like, how many flowers should be in the arrangement, and where it should be delivered. You can also choose whether or not you’d like us to include a handwritten note with your order.
Once we receive your order, our skilled florists will begin preparing your bouquet. They’ll carefully select only the freshest flowers available at each season’s peak and arrange them into an eye-catching display that’s sure to impress! Then they’ll wrap it up with ribbon and a bow before carefully packing it up and sending it off to Georgetown University so that it arrives fresh and beautiful as soon as possible!
The oldest Jesuit university in the United States, Georgetown University is located in Washington DC. Established in 1789, the school has a long history of educating students and providing them with the skills they need to succeed in their careers.
At Georgetown University, students can choose from over 50 majors and minors, including such diverse fields as anthropology, biology, business administration, chemistry, economics, environmental science and policy, foreign languages and cultures, international relations, music performance and production/music industry management.
Georgetown also offers over 30 graduate programs across nine schools including Arts & Sciences; Business; Engineering; Law; Medicine; Nursing & Health Studies; Public Policy & Public Affairs; Continuing Studies; and PPEH (Public Policy & Environmental Health).