Same-Day Flower, Plant & Gift Delivery


Same-Day Delivery Service

Hoover-Fisher Florist provides same-day and express flower delivery service to Norbeck Community Church. This church is located in Silver Spring, Maryland. The address for Norbeck Community Church is 2631 Norbeck Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20906. The main phone number to the church is (301) 924-5393. Norbeck Community Church is a Christian based congregation. Church is open to people of all faiths.

Christ Congregational Church is only 9.4 miles down the road from our floral design center. The address for our Hoover-Fisher Florist location in Kensington, Maryland is 4100 Howard Avenue, Kensington, Maryland 20895. It takes our flower delivery drivers approximatrely 24 minutes to drive from the flower shop to the church.

We offer seasonal flower arrangements. Our staff frequently handle weddings and events at area churches. We also offer the best selection of sympathy and funeral flowers in Montgomery County. If you aren’t sure exactly what to send, we encourage you to consider our Designer’s Choice option. The design staff at Hoover-Fisher can custom design the perfect get well bouquet for you.

Delivery Cut-Off Time For Same-Day Delivery Service

We can accomodate your same-day delivery request today, as long as your order is placed before 3:00 pm EST. Orders placed after 3:00 pm today, will be scheduled for next day, or future date flower delivery service. If you have an emergency situation, please call us at (301) 593-4700. We might still be able to accomodate the occastional special situation.


Driving Distance & Time – 24 Minutes | 9.4 Miles

FLOWER SHOP LOCATION: 4100 Howard Avenue, Kensington, Maryland 20895

LOCAL PHONE: (301) 593-4700  NATIONWIDE PHONE: 1 (877) 253-3076

HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday thru Saturday – 8:00 am to 4:00 pm   |   Closed On Sunday

Contact Hoover-Fisher Florist